Our park of “Great Biological Interest”

The Inzès Fochales site extends to the west of Nassogne, between this village which marks the transition between the Famenne and the Ardenne, and the valley of the Ruisseau de Warlet, a tributary of the Lomme. It includes a very beautiful group of little amended meadows surrounded by hedges or interspersed with copses, on fairly steep west-facing slopes, at an altitude of around 350 m.

It is the typical habitat of bocage birds such as the red-backed shrike (Lanius collurio) or the ant-harrier (Jynx torquilla).

There are also two brooks and several wet patches along them, hosting some interesting plants such as the ivy-leaved buttercup (Ranunculus hederaceus) and the spotted wood orchid (Dactylorhiza maculata).

The fauna has been little investigated so far but is potentially very rich. One part of the site is dedicated to extensive deer farming, within the Inzofalle estate, while another part is targeted by various ecological farming activities, including the creation of a network of ponds.

Here, the creation of the ponds, in October 2021! In total, 3 ponds are created on the Nassogreen’s park. Wonderful place for nature to flourish.

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